Behavior Change and Marketing

Behavior Change and Marketing

Understanding what motivates people to take action

Our approach to behavior change is driven by the science of behavior. We begin by identifying our target audience and clearly defining the behavior change objective we are asking people to do. We work hard to deeply understand our target audience – their behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and unspoken things they themselves might not be aware of.

It’s important that people feel emotionally connected to what they are being asked to do or change. We develop key insights with tension, insights that are true but not always obvious and that strike an emotional chord. These insights create the foundation for a project or a marketing campaign that can truly inspire target audiences to think or act differently, resulting in purposeful change.

Leveraging the power of a brand

Your brand is so much more than a name and logo, and campaigns need first to get noticed if they are to have an impact. We work to define standards of excellence for your organization and develop a range of customized communications and marketing strategies based on best-in-class examples and meaningful audience insights. The results are campaigns that both look good and genuinely motivate behavior change in our target audiences.

Our Experts

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Donna Sherard
HIV; Malaria; Reproductive Health; Child Health; Infectious Disease; Strategic Planning; Marketing, SBC; Advocacy
Anne Williams
Qualitative Research; Strategic Planning; Brand; Marketing; Communications Strategy
Hope Hemstone
Health Systems Strengthening; Strategic Planning; Bilateral Donor Intelligence; Reproductive Health; Maternal Health; M&E


Brand and Marketing Best Practices from the Private Sector
Brand and Marketing Best Practices Framework
Brand and Marketing Best Practices in Action - Learning and Highlights from 13 case studies
Examples: Identify the Audience & Behavior Change Objective
Examples: Understand the Audience
Examples: Articulate an Insight
Examples: Define the Brand Vision
Examples: Develop the Brand Identity
Examples: Communicate a Benefit
Examples: Touch the Heart, Open the Mind
Examples: Select the Right Marketing Vehicles & Ensure Message Continuity
Examples: Delight the Audience
Examples: Inspire Audience Engagement
Examples: Test Message Effectiveness
Examples: Evaluate Program Results
Examples: Measure Brand Performance
Examples: Evaluate Marketing Vehicle Effectiveness
Examples: Organizational Structure
Examples: Processes and Decision-Making
Examples: People and Capacity
Examples: Rewards and Incentives

What makes Mann Global Health unique is our extensive technical and program experience working in global health. Our deep subject matter expertise as well as real-world experience allows us to find technical solutions that are grounded in reality.

Nora Miller - Director of Operations