Nene Fofana
Nènè is a global health expert and entrepreneur. She currently is the Executive Director of Africa Forward consulting and the founder of Africa Forward Foundation, www.africafwd.org through which she aims to contribute to Africa’s positive transformation. She has 20 years of experience in organization management, strategy design, program implementation and management, and advocacy. Her global health career started in HIV, and she, later on, specialized in reproductive health, gender, and health systems strengthening.
Nènè has worked in several regions of the globe, including Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Before her current role, she was EngenderHealth Regional Director for West and Central Africa Regional. She defines herself as a women’s health & rights activist, and a strong believer in “integrated programs that serve women.” Nènè holds a master’s in Public Health from George Washington University. She is fluent in Bambara, French, and English.